Fast Facts About the History of Bail Bonds
The concept of bail bonds has a long and storied history, dating back thousands of years to ancient civilizations. Over time, the system has evolved to provide fairness and balance in the judicial process, ensuring the accused can maintain their freedom while awaiting trial. At A-Affordable Bail Bonds, we’re proud to carry on this centuries-old […]
Don’t Assume That COVID-19 Will Get You Out of Jail
What about COVID-19? As a result of COVID-19, leaders around the country have encouraged businesses, organizations, and citizens to take measures such as social distancing and staying at home. Thanks to the strong leadership of Governor Walz, Minnesota is considered a leader in the response to COVID-19. One such measure that Minnesota has taken in […]
What If I Can’t Afford a Bail Bond?
The purpose of a bail bond is that it provides a way for someone in custody to post bail (and thus be released from custody) even if they cannot afford the full amount of the bail that was set by the judge. For example, if the judge set your bail at $10,000, you could obtain […]
How to Find a Bail Bond Agent Near You
When you find yourself booked for a crime, what’s the best way to find a bail bond agent near you? How do you know which bail bond agent to call? Should you call the bail bond agent nearest your location, or one that’s closest to your home? At A-Affordable Bail Bonds, we provide a database […]
Handy Reference of Jail Rosters in Minnesota
Are you in need of information about where an inmate is being held and/or the details of their arrest? Use our handy reference guide to quickly and easily find links to jail rosters from counties throughout Minnesota. Contact A Bondsman Aitkin County Jail Roster Aitkin County is located in north-central Minnesota, northeast of […]