Headlines and news stories may have you believe that doing without cash bail means that the nonviolent offenders aren’t stuck paying mean loan sharks, while the hard criminals are kept behind bars. But who are the people at bail bonds companies, and what do they stand for?
Specifics vary bail bond agency to agency, but at A-Affordable Bail Bonds, we know why we do what we do. Read more to learn a bit about us!
We’re Not Profiteering Loan Sharks.
We Are Bail Bondsmen who believe that despite the negative stereotypes, our industry provides the best solution both to inmates and our community.
We’re here to make the world a better place by doing what we can — helping people get out of jail, while holding them accountable. We’re here to serve our clients so that they can get out of jail, go back to work and go back home. In essence, we provide a form of high-risk insurance.
From there, the inmate — be it you or someone you love — can fight the court case from the outside.
But we’re also here to serve our community, because when you pay a cash bond, you’re promising you’ll appear for your court hearings. Ultimately for the community, this means fewer inmates go to jail for “failure to appear” charges.
We’re Not Cash Hogs Who Prey on Poor People
We Are Bail Bondsmen who know that we live in an imperfect society.
Are many people who are incarcerated lower-income, or people of color? Yes. Can we change the world? We can try. To do this, we counsel anyone who calls, anytime of day, seven days a week. We offer payment plans for those who can’t afford their bond upfront and work with all of our clients so they can thrive in society, outside of a jail cell’s walls.
We’re Not In It For the Money
We Are Here to help you get back on track. In fact, we go to work every day feeling excited that we get to counsel our clients and help people through difficult times. We even network with experienced lawyers to help you work through your case.
Unfortunately, the one common denominator we’ve found in the cycle of arrests is alcohol and drug addiction. We believe in taking responsibility for your actions, but at the same time, we believe everyone deserves a second chance.
We’re passionate about empowering our clients with the information they need so that they can live a productive life after working with us, and long after their case has made it through the court system.
We sincerely hope we never have to see a repeat defendant. However, we know that for some, working through your struggles takes time, and we’re here to provide our assistance no matter what that time consists of.
We’re Not Very Often Going to Require Collateral
We Are going to do everything we can to get you or your loved one the bond they need without requiring collateral. Depending on how much the bond is, the amount and the inmate’s work history/credit score, significant collateral is often not needed.