If you are arrested in Minnesota for a DWI charge, you may or may not remain in custody. There are specific terms and conditions that dictate how and if you can post bail, or if you must remain in jail until your court date. A bail bondsman can help you post bail if you are eligible to be released.
What Is The Bail Amount For A DWI In Minnesota?
Once you are arrested on a DWI charge, you will see a judge, usually by the next business day. If the arrest happens over the weekend, a weekend judge may set bail prior to your first appearance, but weekend bail doesn’t apply to all cases. The judge will decide whether you should be given bail, and what amount. The judge decides the amount based on the severity and nature of the offense, and any aggravating factors.
In the most severe cases, bail will not be set. If you are eligible for bail, the police will usually hold any person who is suspected of DWI for 8 to 12 hours before releasing them, to make sure the person is sober before going into the public again.
DWI Bails Can Come With Conditions In Minnesota
DWI bails in Minnesota are conditional or unconditional. If you are released on an ROR (Released on Own Recognizance) or O.R. bail, you will be released without having to pay any money to the court, but your bail will be based on strict conditions. Most DWI offenders on ROR bail are required to secure their release by being placed on an alcohol-monitoring device, also known as SCRAM. You must carry this device around with you, and blow into it at random times to ensure you have not been drinking. If you are required to carry an alcohol monitoring device by the judge, you will have to pay any fees related to receiving the device.
An unconditional bail in Minnesota does not have as many restrictions. However, in order to be released on unconditional bail, the defendant must pay the bail amount in full, and in cash. The other option is to contact your local bail bondsman, who can also help you be released on unconditional bail.
Can I Post Bail Bond For A DWI Charge In Minnesota?
Depending on the conditions of your bail, it is possible to post a bail bond for a DWI charge in Minnesota. Bail bonds are 10% of whatever your judge sets as the principal bond amount, and must be paid to the bail bondsman. This amount must be paid in cash or collateral approved by the bail bondsman. Bail bonds are the best option for those who can’t afford to pay the total bail amount because of other financial obligations.
How Can A Bail Bondsman Help Me?
Bail bondsmen can help you be released on unconditional bail by covering the cost of your full bail amount set by the judge, after you pay the initial 10 percent. This means you won’t have as many restrictions as someone who has conditional bail, and you won’t have to carry an alcohol-monitoring device. You are expected to attend all scheduled court dates when you are released on unconditional bail, or possibly forfeit your payment to the bail bondsman and risk having a warrant being put out for your arrest.
We Can Help
If you or your family member is arrested on a DWI charge and wants unconditional bail, contact us today to get the process for your bail bond started. We can help you get released as quickly as possible, without having to pay for an alcohol-monitoring device.
Contact A Bail Bondsman