Regardless of how long a loved one was being detained, they have still gone through a traumatic experience following arrest and incarceration, and so have you. Preparing for their release will help them reconnect with their life as a free person and will help you reconnect with them.
If you’re not sure where to begin this process, we’ve put together a list of tips to help.
How to prepare for your loved one’s release from jail
Whether they were in jail for a short-term stint or were being held long-term in the prison system, you’re probably anxiously waiting for their release. A detainment can affect everyone, and knowing what to expect is the best way to be prepared. Some important things to be aware of and keep in mind include:
1. Posting bail
If your loved one has been arrested but can be released on bail, there are some things to know in order to do this successfully. Initially, you’ll need to figure out the specifics of their bail. How much it costs, according to All City Bail Bonds, will be based on factors such as their current charge and criminal history. You can then post their bail using cash, bonds, or property bonds. Then, you’ll need to understand the conditions of their release.
If you can’t afford their bail, you can get in touch with a bail bondsman. You can pay a bail bondsman via credit or get set up on a payment plan. You will then only need to pay 10% of the bail to get them released.
2. Prepare for their emotional state
While they’re most likely excited to no longer be incarcerated, they’ve been through a traumatic experience. It’s important to be prepared for the emotions and feelings they’re going to be experiencing following their release:
- Disorientation and confusion are normal
- Anger and other upset feelings commonly arise
- They may be tired or in need of rest
In addition to how they’re feeling, it’s likely they may need to seek some kind of medical attention and will be in need of good food.
3. Make sure you have everything they need for their release
There are a variety of things that will be needed once it’s time for them to be released. Some of these include:
- Their release paperwork
- Contact a bail bondsman if bail is required and you need assistance
- Get a ride set up for them to be picked up after their release
- Make sure they can get in touch with everyone they need to
- Figure out where they will stay following their release
- Ensure they have some money together
All-City Bail Bonds reminds readers to take care of themselves during these stressful times, too. While this person is likely relying on you to have everything together to help them, you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup, and your needs matter, too.
4. Make sure you understand the “terms of their release”
It is important to understand the terms of your loved one’s release to ensure they remain compliant. If they don’t, they will likely be arrested again. Common parole conditions include:
- Drug/alcohol testing
- Treatment
- Recovery meeting attendance
- Electronic monitoring
- Curfews
- Travel restrictions
- Having and holding a job
It can be a lot of pressure for them to keep up with everything they need to do in order to comply with their parole terms. Having someone in their corner who can support them and hold them accountable can help ensure they are successful.
5. Have some money saved up
Following a period of incarceration, they may need help getting back on their feet financially. Having some money saved up for them can ensure they can buy food and clothing and pay for housing while they look for a job and start making their own income again.
6. Have a plan together for what they’ll need in the future
To help your loved one reenter society, they’re going to need things like “housing, clothing, healthcare, transportation, counseling, and education.” Looking for these things before they’re released can help ensure they have everything they need to be successful from the moment they are.
7. The job search
Part of their parole conditions will likely include the need to have a job and a steady source of income. Additionally, if they don’t have someone to live with, they’re going to need money to pay for housing as well as for food and transportation.
However, there are companies that won’t hire people with a criminal record, so it might be a little harder for them to find a good job moving forward. Jail to Job and Help for Felons are both great resources for finding employment.
To learn more about how we can help you get your loved one out of jail by posting bail, contact us today.